Retrostyling Necrons
+++ For centuries the explorators of the Imperium have known of the ancient civilisation of the Necrontyr - a race that became extinct tens of millions of years ago. Little remains now of what must once have been a technically advanced empire that spanned the galaxy. Any surface structures that may once have existed have long since disappeared from Necrontyr worlds. Their existence has been eroded by time. They and their works have crumbled to dust with the passage of eons. +++
As often it started with an artwork. A couple, in fact. When the Necrontyr got introduced in White Dwarf #217 in 1998, towards the end of Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition, they came with a very different aesthetic than our modern day Necrons. Evil automatons full of cogs, cables and rivets, a strong Dieselpunk feel, and a mechanical and clunky appearance that really appeals to me. Maybe a bit too close to Terminator. Maybe less ownable than the version of today. But with so much character.
Now don’t get me wrong. I quite like the modern Necrons. I think this is a great range. But they all do look a bit samey and I really miss the mechanoid clunkiness of the original miniatures.
The artworks that came with that release were on a totally different level. Spikes, pipes, cables, rivets. To me this is exactly what Necrons should be about. They just have it all. I got a bit obsessed, and one thing leading to another, I started kitbashing my “ideal” Necron Raiders.
The goal was to make the most of the crisp, beautiful modern minis whilst summoning all that nostalgic charm of the late 90s metal raiders. Which meant reposing, adding rivets and greeblies, and converting weapons to erase all references to modern Necrons.